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Monthly Guidance

Our monthly guidance offers CQC evidence initiatives with consultant step-by-step videos and a downloadable action toolkit.

Accessible for every service at the incredible value of only £25/month.

It offers an ideal solution for Managers who need structure and support to take action in the areas of Culture, EDI, Workforce Wellbeing and Learning but without the in-depth analysis and intervention of the full 1-2-1 consultancy and audit. 


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Workforce Evaluations

minutes to complete
participants on average, undertake each Evaluation
minute report and guidance consultation

Anonymous 20-minute multiple-choice style workforce evaluation followed by a report analysis meeting. Senior management will gain valuable and accurate information to understand their workforce. 

It delivers key insights into staff behaviours and attitudes towards their professional roles. The evaluations explore staff’s abilities to carry out their activities safely and effectively as well as analyse their mental health and general wellbeing. It gives staff the opportunity to confidentially, openly and honestly highlight the issues that matter to them. Staff will feel valued, considered and cared for by the senior management team.

During a consultation meeting, your results will be discussed in-depth and can be provided as the whole group or split, for example, day vs night staff. Your service’s strengths will be identified and evidenced. Risks and areas of development will be highlighted and guidance will be provided.

Full Culture Audit

0 %
CQC Cultural Compliance

 12 – 18 

Months to complete
0 %
Recommendation Rate

12-18 month programme of evaluations and actions, targeting and evidencing changes. learning and growth.

The programme will start with initial indepth evaluations and meetings to identify data required to create a bespoke programme.

A series of initiatives through ACTIONS, game-like activities, will be programmed over a 12 -18 month period. Some actions will take no additional timeout of your workforce’s day as they will run seamlessly alongside their role. Other actions will be carried out in a workshop-style environment and will take only 20 – 45 minutes.

AREAS OF ACTIONS: Mental Health, Inclusive Recruitment, Inclusive Leadership, Disability Confidence, Cultural Belonging, Behaviour in the Workplace, Growth Mindset.

The programme targets areas of risk by addressing behaviours and attitudes. Actions include the whole workforce to embed the change.

The fun, light-hearted actions keep staff engaged, motivated and committed yet with the benefit of some serious outcomes. A few require a small amount of personal discipline and accountability.

New evaluations are completed to prove the transformation.

A second evaluation is carried out. This reminds the workforce of the positive actions that have been undertaken and changes that have been made for their benefit and wellbeing.

The process of another evaluation will help staff feedback on the growth that has been made. It provides a clear measure of the Cultural Transformation which other initiatives find hard to demonstrate. The analysis and report that maps outgrowth will be presented during a final meeting. It will evidence how the benefits to culture have been felt most keenly by staff, how they have embraced the key themes and in what ways the residents of the Home’s setting will benefit from the gains that were specifically introduced.

The programme is concluded with further guidance offered to continue your service’s ongoing development.